Hi there!
This year, VSA hopes to kick it off with a bang by having our Fall Reception featuring GB Tran, a talented Brooklyn-based comic artist, as our keynote speaker. Our beloved co-directors met him 2 years ago at the Denver UNAVSA conference and they have been very passionate about his art as well as his story. (Click here for more information about GB – his website is a joy to look through.)
As per usual, the event is free and open to all because we are awesome, and we want everyone to come spread the awesomeness. On the night of, VSA will be introducing you to our mission, the new executive team, and exciting upcoming events. We will also present ambitious events that we hope to implement and traditionalize along with MEMO, the student-run non-profit organization that we are supporting this year.
There are some paperwork and seriousness that are present in these events, but don’t fear boredom! We are going to have free food, an inspiring speaker, giveaways, and, most importantly, free friendship!
Through this awe-inspiring blog post, we’re sure you’re dying to find out details to this impressive event. Well, here it is:
VSA 2012 Fall Reception
6 P.M October 11th, 2012
At the LLC South Performance Hall
It’s going to be loads of fun, and food, now who in their right mind would say no?
See you there!